Rudy’s Feed n’ Seed
Food Plot Guide
Establishing an attractive food plot that enables wildlife to thrive is a rewarding way to extend your hunting experience beyond the seasonal harvest. Like any other project you take pride in, a successful food plot starts with good thought and careful planning.
Our Seed Mixtures:

Rudy’s QDM Wildlife Mix: Perhaps one of the best all-around wildlife mixes available and the only food plot many will ever need. Packed with four premium white clovers and chicory, QDM mix provides the essential nutrients and minerals for body growth and maximum antler development. Adapted to a variety of soil types and growing conditions, this mixture is good for meadows, fields and border areas. A single planting lasts three to five years.
Planting Rate: 9 to 12 lbs. per acre $__________ 25 lb. Bag $__________ lb. Bulk
20% White Dutch Clover 20% Karariki White Clover
20% Alsike White Clover 20% Chicory
20% Ladino White Clover

Rudy’s Buck Builder Wildlife Mix: This premium, no grass mixture can be used for spring planting as well as a dormant frost seeding to revive a struggling food plot. This mixture is formulated to produce a high quality, protein rich, perennial food source for wild game. A single planting can last three to five years.
Planting Rate: 9 to 12 lbs. per acre $__________ 25 lb. Bag $__________ lb. Bulk
40% Alsike White Clover 20% Kakariki White Clover
20% Ladino White Clover 20% White Dutch Clover
Rudy’s Wildlife Trail Mix: A blend of grasses and clover to provide quick cover for trails and other areas. A durable seed combination that will provide a preferred food source for deer, grouse, and turkeys throughout the year. This mix will do well in areas of low fertility, acidic soils, and areas with less than 50% sunlight.
Planting Rate: 25 to 50 lbs. per acre $__________ 25 lb. Bag $__________ lb. Bulk
20% White Dutch Clover 15% Perennial Ryegrass
30% Creeping Red Fescue 15% Annual Ryegrass
20% Tall Fescue
Rudy’s Maximum Fall Attractant: Has explosive growth and super attraction in the ultimate stand side hunting plot. Maximum is an annual fall forage that deer will go absolutely crazy for. This brassica blend is the most attractive after “frost curing” causes the sugar content to increase and the sugar laden bulbs to mature. Plant in late summer to early fall for a hunting plot forage that deer cannot resist.
Planting Rate: 9 to 12 lbs. per acre $__________ 25 lb. Bag $__________ lb. Bulk
25% Winfred Forage Brassica 5% Rutabaga
20% Rangi Forage Brassica 5% Purple Top Turnips
20% Trophy Rapeseed 5% Daikon Radish
20% Premier Kale

Rudy’s Winter Long Mix: A combination of cold tolerant Austrian Winter Peas mixed with Buck Forage Oats. This unique mix creates a fall harvest food plot that deer cannot resist. This annual planting should take place in very late summer to early fall for the best results.
Planting Rate: up to 100 lbs. per acre $__________ 50 lb. Bag $__________ lb. Bulk
70% Austrian Winter Peas 30% Buck Forage Oats
Native Grass mix: Is best suited for lowlands and occasionally wet soils but also grows well in upland soils that receive regular precipitation. Once established, most of the species in this mix can handle occasional droughts as well. Cold hardy and attractive, these grasses will reach average heights between 3 and 6 feet. This mix will make great wildlife cover.
Planting Rate: 10-15 lbs. per acre $__________ 1 lb. Bag $__________ 5 lb. Bag
30% Big Bluestem 15% Canadian Wild Rye
30% Virginia Wild Rye 10% Indian Grass
15% Switchgrass
Seed Species We Use in Our Mixes
Ladino Clover: Ladino clover is a tall white flowering clover that tolerates wet, acidic soils. Ladino is very high in protein and should only be used in mixtures. Under conditions favorable for its growth it becomes very aggressive and may increase the bloat hazard. A major component of many deer and wildlife food plot mixtures. Plant 1/2 - 2 lbs. per acre in mixes.
______________ lb.
Alsike Clover: This short-lived perennial tolerates wet and acid soils better than alfalfa and slightly better than red clover. On wet or acid soils alsike may be desirable even if it does not persist long in the mixture. While it survives, it will provide nitrogen to the grass, thus lowering fertility costs. Its relative short growth makes it desirable in pasture mixtures.
______________ lb.
Chicory: A perennial taproot herb, chicory is drought tolerant and mineral rich. It produces abundant high protein leafy forage throughout the summer. Used in wildlife mixtures as a food for deer, grouse and turkeys. Plant 2-3 lbs. per acre in mixes.
______________ lb.
Kakariki White Clover: A New Zealand White clover that is very high yielding and large leafed. Its maintains a high feed quality in late spring and summer which is very important when protein is needed for deer growth and antler development. Plant 2-4 lbs. per acre in mixes, 6-8 lbs. alone.
______________ lb.
White Dutch Clover: Very short white flowering clover found in lawns and wooded areas. Tolerates acidic soils and low fertility making it a good choice in wildlife mixtures. Very useful for trails and fringe areas where a low growing clover is desired. Plant 1/2-2 lbs. per acre in mixes, 6-8 lbs. alone.
______________ lb.
Rape: A short season brassica species that is classified as a biennial but will usually not overwinter in the north. Very succulent top growth of high nutrient value that stays green very late in the fall. Should be planted in the late summer for fall forage. Used in wildlife and deer mixtures. Al so known as canola when grown as a grain crop for its oil. Plant 2-4 lbs. per acre in mixes, 8-12 lbs. alone.
______________ lb.
Turnip: A short-season brassica species very similar to rape, except it also produces a significant root growth as well as a succulent top growth. Deer will eat the top growth in late fall and dig for the root growth in the winter. Plant 2 lbs. per acre in mixes or alone.
______________ lb.
Other Available Seed Products
Alfalfa Winter Wheat
Sugar Beets Grain Sorghum
Buckwheat Winter Rye
Buck Forage Oats Winter Peas
Forage Brassica Black Sunflower
Forage Radish Indian Grass
Egyptian Wheat Switchgrass
Real World Soybeans Big Bluestem
Eagle Soybeans
Soybeans - Round-up Ready
Seed Corn - Round-up Ready
*Notice* - Due to the frequent changing in seed prices, we do not include prices on our website. For current pricing, please give us a call (608)-526-3442. Or email us at SoldAtRudys@gmail.com.
we Stock three types of granular minerals along with mineral blocks, protein blocks, trophy rocks and a variety of attractants.
Rudy's Buck Builder Mineral:
The perfect ratio of calcium and phosphorus for bone and body growth. 50 lbs bag.
Calcium 18.5%
Phosphate 5.8%
Salt 30%
Magnesium .55%
Potassium .90%
Vitamin A 22,000 PPM
Vitamin D 7,000 PPM
Vitamin E 9 PPM
Rudy's Red Rock Mineral: The perfect mineral for attraction with its distinct apple scent and flavoring. Utilizing trophy rock granuals we incorporated over 60 natural trace minerals with added calcium and selenium. 25 lbs bag.
Calcium 20%
Salt 55%
Iodine 46 PPM
Selenium 59 PPM
Lucky Buck: is one of the leading deer attractants in the world. With a formulation and aroma deer can't resist. 20 lbs bag.
Calcium 13.5%
Salt 65%
Iodine 46PPM
Selenium 59PPM

we stock four styles of muck boot's that we keep in stock all year. other styles and sizes available upon request and availability.